Tell us how you plan to INSPIRE the next generation of local Land Surveyors during International Surveyors Week 2020
Sun.14th-Africa Day
Mon.15th -N.America Day
Tues.16th- Asia Day
Wed.17th European Day
Thurs.18th- S. America Geo Day
Fri.19th-Middle East Geo Day
Sat.20th - Survey Earth in a Day 9
Sun.21st - Oceania Surveyors Day
International Land Surveyors Week 2020, which occurs from June 14th through 21st, is for Professional Land Surveyors and surveying students in any country on earth to celebrate the value of professional land surveyors in society, promote public awareness and introduce careers in surveying to the next generation. There are dedicated days of the week for all locations in order to share surveying stories, photo and videos of land surveying in different parts of the world. SURVEY EARTH in a DAY 9 will occur on Saturday June 20th 2020 at noon worldwide. Land Surveyors across the globe will be taking survey grade GNSS - GPS measurements atop benchmarks within their local areas and submitting them to the Land Surveyors United community, as we measure the entire earth during the course of a single day, for the seventh time. Represent the land surveyors in your area of the world by participating in surveyor events each and every day of International Surveyors Week 2020. Together we can inspire a new generation of land surveyors and help close the age gap and knowledge gap currently holding the profession back.
See International Surveyors Week 2020 for more information and to RSVP for the Live Streaming Surveyor Check-in event. ISW2020 FB Event